Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
District Shopian at Glance
Shopian is a far flung hilly area and was a part of District Pulwama. It has been given the Status of Hill District on 01-04-2007. A brief description of the dstrict is as follows:
Altitude | 2146 mts above sea level | Area under fresh | 22902 Hectares |
Geographical Area | 612.87 | Rural population | 2.50 lacs |
Forest area | 300 | Urban population | 0.16 lacs |
Cultivated Land (Hectts) | 33797 | No. of ST population | 0.15 lacs |
Irrigated Land (Hectts) | 12501 | No. of BPL population | 54800 |
Total land of the District | 76854 Acres | No. of Tehsils | 07 |
Total population | 2.68 lacs | No of Villages | 232 |
Sex Ratio | 950 | No. of Nayabats | 13 |
Literacy Rate | 62.49% | No. of Girdawar Circles | 13 |
Area under fruit | 26258 Hectares | No. of Halqas | 43 |
Area under Dry | 3356 Hectares | Municipal Committees | 01 |
- Final/ Updated Seniority list of Patwaries of District Cadre Shopian.
- Declaration of District Shopian as Manual Scavenging free
- Road Distribution & Categorisation for Snow Clearance
- Land Rates For The Year 2025
- Selection list of candidates for engagement as Krishi Udyami in District Shopian under HADP-(Phase Second).
- Final Seniority list of Jr. Pharmacists/Jr Grade Nurses/Jr. Assistants/FMPHWs/ MMPHWs/Jr. Health Inspectors/BHWs/Jr. Drivers/Jr. Laboratory Technician/Jr. Dental Technician/Jr. X-Ray Technician.
- Engagement of Sanginis (AWWs) and Sahayikas (AWHs) of Poshan Project Shopian
- Grant of J&K Government Awards for the Year 2025-Invitation of Nominations.
- Tentative Seniority List of Patwaries of District Shopian
- Interview Notice
- Interview Notice
- Provisional Merit List for the engagement of Krishi Udyamis (Agricultural Entrepreneurs) in District Shopian.
- Publication of Advertisement Notice for engagement as Krishi Udyamis (KUs) Phase-ll in District Shopian.
- Selection list of candidates for engagement as Krishi Udyami in District Shopian under HADP
- Provisional Merit List of Applicants for Krishi Udhyamis- Phase 1st in District Shopian (Annexue “A” of Noticiacation No DDCS/516-16 dated: 05-07-2024)
- ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE for the engagement of Sanginis (AWWs) and Sahayikas (AWHs) of Poshan Project Keller
- ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE for the engagement of Sanginis (AWWs) and Sahayikas (AWHs) of Poshan Project Shopian
- Provisional Selection list of Sanginis (Anganwadi Workers) of Poshan Project Shopian and inviting of objections thereof.
- Final/ Updated Seniority list of Patwaries of District Cadre Shopian.
- Grant of J&K Government Awards for the Year 2025-Invitation of Nominations.
- Notification of Final delimitation of Municipal Wards of Municipal Council Shopian
- Addressing the issues related to Minorities-Nomination of Nodal Officer thereof.
- Permission fee for construction of Residential buildings/Reconstruction/Alteration of residential buildings, construction of Fresh commercial Buildings, reconstruction/Alteration of commercial buildings, and any other building including govt buildings of district shopian
- No post to display

District Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner/District Collector
Sh Shishir Gupta, IAS