

“Water, water, everywhere,
Nor any drop to drink
…….. but we make it drinkable.
Nobody sees the thirsty pilgrims to Hijaz
crowding at the bank of brine water
wherever a sweet spring happens to be
men, birds and insects flock around it.”

We can live without food for several days, but we cannot survive without water for a few days. Such is the importance of water that all the great civilizations of the world flourished on the river banks as the rivers not only irrigated their field but also provided drinking water for human and livestock population. But the water quality deteriorated due to burgeoning population, extensive and intensive chemical farming and industrialization and with the result the traditional water resources got polluted and became unsafe for human consumption. Thus providing of drinking water to the population is one of the main priorities of every establishment and government. If the drinking water is unsafe then the population is exposed and vulnerable to water borne disease which can prove deadly.

Jal Shakti Department is entrusted with the responsibility of providing safe drinking water facility to all the human settlements, by taping the available water resources and treating the same through filtration and chemical through a network of pipes.

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